In your “next steps” PDF, you’ll get more details about this process, but essentially, here’s what happens after your purchase:
- You email me with “eMail Consult” in the subject line to tell me your availability for our eMail week start date.
. - Within 2 business days after you send me the above email, I’ll reply to try and confirm our start date.
. - Once start date is confirmed, then I’ll send final contract to get started.
. - I will also ask you to fill out an online intake form as a way to better introduce me to your goals for this consult.
Thank you, and I’m looking forward to this heARTmaking time with you!
Testimonial from H.
“…Oh how I appreciate YOU! Thank you for listening to and HEARING my story. It has been so very healing just to tell this story and have it HEARD (read)…There is so much more to work through, but having this space is helping SO much…Everything you said is resonating with me. I will re-read all of your responses and continue to work on figuring this out. Thank you for all the support!”
Contract Excerpt
The following is a SAMPLE excerpt from our contract that give details of how a 1 week eMail consult works: