Even if you're not an artist, you can begin creatively exploring grief with some of my favorite FREE content!Please note: If you do not get your freebies within 24 hours, please click here to email me!

Freebie #1
Get your free 40 page excerpt of the 1000 Permissions book. This is our classic, original 40 page sample that is a mix of permission slips with topics from whimsical to grief experience and more. Get this freebie and others in our eStore now.
Freebie #2
Some of our books are available for purchase, but don’t miss out on the free eBooks available in our Shop, too. Some of those free eBooks even include print and distribution rights should you want to share them with your grief support groups.

Freebie #3
Get your free copy of our creative grief worksheet exploring “Unpacking Whatever Is In Our Grief Bag” which has only ever been offered exclusively to our eZine readers. This is a sample of what you get in our for sale eBooks of prompts that explore grief experiences and help you raise your grief literacy levels. Check it out in our eStore now!