928-225-5416 (text only) kara@griefandcreativity.com

heART of Life and Death (ebook)


This eBook was originally published in 2009 as part of our KotaPress eWorkbooks and workshops and the ISBN on the inside cover reflects that publication. But this 2023 PDF release edition has been updated in various ways including updated prompts. The creative prompts explored in this volume were used as part of those original workshops and include the following:

  • The Loss
  • Re-Member
  • Safe Space
  • New Normal
  • Shadows & Monsters
  • Curiosity

The series of these prompts loosely follows the pattern one might see in The Hero’s Journey, but revisited with the eyes and heARTmaking of a bereaved mother. For in my own path as a bereaved mother, it felt awfully violent to be told I had to “slay the dragon” of grief when so much loss and trauma had already happened to our family. So I wanted to find creative ways instead to approach the various part of the Hero’s map. This eBook was companioned back in the day with a full workshop of guided meditation and group work, but has been adapted here for you to use it on-demand and self-paced to explore whatever the details of your own loss and grief experience might be just now.

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These tools are offered for personal use only, so if you are looking to license these tools to use commercially in groups or trainings, please contact me. Otherwise, you are invited to explore your personal grief and life experiences creatively with these prompts. Please do not forward your copy to others.

If you’d like a free sample of one of our prompt worksheets to get a peek at what a collection like this looks like, go to our Freebies section which will get you a PDF of the prompt, Unpacking The Bag.

notebook, pen, phone, sunglasses and other items tumbling out of a bag with text that reads Unpacking Whatever Is In The Bag...

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